Cookie policy

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Drive Me in Tuscany
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Please read our cookie policy before use our siteweb
This site uses cookies, including from third parties.
The cookies used on this site fall into the categories described below; further information is available on the page of the Privacy Policy.
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What are Cookies
Cookies are small text files that are automatically saved on users' devices within the browser. They contain basic information relating to internet browsing and thanks to browsers they are recognized every time the user visits the site.

Instructions for disabling cookies from browsers
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Cookies Management : Technical Cookies
Activities necessary for operation
This type of cookie is technical in nature and allows the site to function properly. For example, they keep the user connected while browsing, in the event that access to the site via authentication is envisaged, thus avoiding the need for access credentials to each consultation / navigation page.

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This type of cookie allows you to keep track of the preferences selected by the user while browsing, such as setting the language.

Third party profiling cookies
The site uses various suppliers who can in turn install cookies for the proper functioning of the services they offer. In the event that you wish to find information relating to these cookies and how to disable them, please access the links listed below.

Technical cookies for the proper functioning of services offered by third parties
Statistical cookies and third-party audience measurement
These cookies (third-party web services) provide anonymous / aggregate information on how visitors navigate the site. Below are the links to the respective privacy policy pages.

Google Google Analytics: statistics system Analytical cookies privacy policy

These third-party cookies are used to integrate some common features of the main social media and provide them within the site. In particular, if provided, they allow registration and authentication on the site, the sharing and comments of pages of the site on social networks, enable the "like" functions on Facebook. Below are the links to the respective Privacy Policy pages.

At any time you can exercise the rights referred to in Article 7 of the Code regarding the protection of personal data, including access to information concerning you and request its updating, rectification and integration, as well as cancellation, transformation into anonymous or blocking only if the same are treated in violation of the law. You may also object to the processing in whole or in part. To exercise the aforementioned rights, you can contact the data controller, to the attention of the manager, by contacting us.
Sei interessato a qualche tour?
Todi e Montefalco
Nota come “la citta’ piu’ vivibile del mondo” o “citta’ ideale”, Todi è un borgo medievale di una bellezza unica, che sorge in cima ad una collina che domina la valle del Tevere.
City Art Tuscany
Siena, San Gimignano e Monteriggioni
Siena, con i suoi edifici medievali ancora intatti, offre al visitatore un’esperienza indimenticabile. È praticamente un viaggio nel tempo, ritrovandosi catapultati nel 1200
City Art Tuscany
Pecorino di Pienza
Pienza e’ indubbiamente uno dei borghi piu’ suggestivi della Val d’Orcia, diventata famosa in tutto il mondo per la produzione del pecorino
City Art Tuscany
The Mall
Un concept unico e innovativo basato sulle esigenze dei propri ospiti che hanno l’opportunità di concedersi una fuga dalla quotidianità alla scoperta del lato nascosto delle terre toscane in un’ambientazione sofisticata.
City Art Tuscany
Orvieto, Civita di Bagnoregio e Lago di Bolsena
Orvieto e’ oggi, quindi, una citta’ con un patrimonio storico ed artistico unico nel suo genere, una sorta di citta’ museo che, grazie alle diverse epoche ed influenze storiche, e’ in grado di offrire al visitatore bellezze architettoniche di valore inestimabile
City Art Tuscany
Chianti Classico
Quando si parla di Toscana, soprattutto dal punto di vista enologico, e’ impossibile non pensare all’area del Chianti
City Art Tuscany
Valdichiana Village
140 Negozi , sconti oltre il 70% tutto l'anno.
City Art Tuscany
Il Lago Trasimeno e Citta’ della Pieve
Il lago Trasimeno, il piu’ grande del centro Italia, si stende incastonato fra verdi pianure di canneti e dolci colline ricche di oliveti e vigneti. Un vero e proprio paradiso naturale che fa da habitat a diverse specie animali.
City Art Tuscany
Drive me in Tuscany
52044 Cortona
Tuscany - Italy
P.IVA 02374200513